Ester – Your Friend in Reykjavik!

Get to know Your Friend in Reykjavik! When you join us for a walking tour, you will meet your special friend in Reykjavik, but getting to know them a little bit beforehand could be fun.

We got to know Barði the other day, and your next friend we will introduce is Ester Auður Elíasdóttir, a certified tour guide. She was born and raised in Iceland but lived abroad for several years. So, she can see our country from several viewpoints and compare it to many other countries and cultures.

“Iceland is an amazing country, and Reykjavík has everything you could ever want, despite its smallness.” She particularly loves the many excellent restaurants and the vibrant cultural scene.

She is an avid knitter and loves woolen goods and Icelandic designer items. You can check out two blogs she did for us; the Icelandic Lopapeysa Sweater and Shopping in Iceland – Icelandic Clothes Design.

Ester is Your Friend In Reykjavik.

Let’s Ask Ester a Few Questions

If you could choose only one thing from Iceland, what would it be? The swimming pools.

Iceland has over 100 swimming pools (not counting natural pools). It would make a great trip around Iceland, trying out as many as possible. You can check out our post on natural and manmade geothermal pools here.

Would you change anything about Iceland if you could? Yes, I would love to have more sun!

Austurvöllur in downtown Reykjavik. Photo: Örjan Mattsson

What is your favorite place in Iceland? The West Fjords

What is your favorite traditional Icelandic food? Harðfiskur or Fish Jerky.

Harðfiskur has been eaten in Iceland for centuries. Flour was a rare luxury, and many people couldn’t even afford rye (for rye bread or flatkökur). However, fish was in abundance, and it is full of nutrients. Eating it with a bit of butter is something everyone should try!

But what is your favorite national drink? The Icelandic water.

One of the easiest ways to travel sustainably in Iceland is to skip buying bottled water. The water from the tap is entirely safe to drink. If you are out in the wilderness, you could fill your water bottle with water from the nearby stream. Just know that if you’re in a volcanic area like Landmannalaugar, then it is possible that water is not suitable for drinking – you will taste it immediately.

What is the best thing about Reykjavik? The culture.

But what is the best thing about Iceland? How safe it is.

Check out our post on how safe it is to travel solo in Iceland for further information!

What is your favorite Icelandic music? Mugison

Favorite Icelandic clothing brand? Aftur

But what is your favorite restaurant? Fjallkonan.

Fjallkonan is on our list of some of the best restaurants in Reykjavik! It is also a great place to get afternoon tea.

What Icelandic food is most often eaten at home? Boiled fish and potatoes.

What is your favorite candy? Pepper licorice djúpur

We’ve told you about Icelanders’ love for licorice before! Especially chocolate-covered licorice.

Please signup for our newsletter for more fun facts and information about Iceland.

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