Meet Robyn, Your Friend in Reykjavik.

Robyn Phaedra Mitchell, originally from Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, is an experienced guide who has made Iceland her home for the past 21 years. She has witnessed significant changes in Iceland over the years and is eager to share her insights and experiences with visitors.

Let’s Ask Your Friend in Reykjavik a Few Questions!

If you could choose just one thing from Iceland, what would you choose?

The WATER! The hot and the cold!

Icelandic water is renowned for its good taste and cleanliness. It is pointless buying water from the supermarket in Iceland—it is the same water you get from the tap.

The hot water is, in most cases, geothermal and has a slight sulfur smell, which people recognise as a rotten egg smell. It is perfectly safe, though.

Would you change anything about Iceland if you could?

Probably loads, but in my 21 years here, it has changed a lot, so I am happy to be a part of that change and a witness.

What is your favourite place in Iceland?

Hehe, If I would tell you, it would be loaded with tourists so that one is a guarded wee secret.

Many people in Iceland have their secret favourite spots in the country. Sometimes, they don’t even share it with other Icelanders. Check out our blog to get ideas about where to visit. There’s a beautiful spot at every corner.

What is your favourite Icelandic food?

Anything made from Icelandic “organic without trying” ingredients, especially the new vegetarian options! 

Check out our blog on the Best Vegan and Vegetarian restaurants in Reykjavik!

How about an Icelandic drink?

Egils Appelsín, hands down, is THE BEST Orange soda in the world.

What is the best thing about Reykjavik?

Austurvöllur Square. Photo: Adam Fagen

The people!  What a wonderful small melting pot of locals and visitors. 

What is the best thing about Iceland?

Dettifoss Waterfall in North Iceland.

Freedom to be who you are…and the nature.

Favourite Icelandic music/band/song?

Kaleo, Bríet, Bubbi Morthens!

What is your favourite clothing brand?

66° North. It is pricey but lasts a lifetime.

Favourite restaurant?

The ones with a 2 for 1 offer *grins*

What Icelandic food is most often served at your home?

Cheese salad or meatballs!

Meatballs in Iceland are generally made from minced meat, but sometimes they’re also made from sausage meat! Those are a favourite among many people, especially with “brown sauce” (not related to the British brown sauce). Check our recipe blog post to make your own!

Favourite candy?

I am partial to the Icelandic Þristur!

Please signup for the Your Friend in Reykjavik newsletter for more fun facts and information about Iceland.

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