Are you captivated by the enchanting sounds of the Icelandic language? Whether you’re prepping for an Icelandic adventure or are a linguistics enthusiast, diving into the world of Icelandic offers a fascinating and enriching experience. Check out our list of the best ways to learn Icelandic.

Start with Blog Posts

Before diving into more structured learning methods, begin with blog posts from ‘Your Friend in Reykjavik.’ These posts briefly introduce the language, covering basics and offering insights into Icelandic culture and linguistics. It’s a fun and easy way to get acquainted with the language.

The Icelandic Language – What Makes it Special?
Special Icelandic Words
Icelandic Sayings About the Sea
Best Icelandic TV Shows
What Do Icelandic Place Names Actually Mean?
Best Icelandic Films
Do I Need to Learn Icelandic For My Trip?
The Icelandic Sagas For Beginners
Recommended Reads from Iceland

Utilize Language Learning Apps

Apps like Drops and Memrise are fantastic starting points. They offer interactive and engaging ways to learn Icelandic at your own pace, perfect for beginners or those brushing up on their skills.

The University of Iceland also recently released an app for foreigners who want to learn Icelandic. Please read about how you can install it here.

Dive into Books and Online Resources

learn Icelandic, jæja

For a more traditional approach, consider books like Complete Icelandic. These often come with online recordings, providing an immersive experience. It’s not just about reading; it’s about hearing and speaking the language, too.

Viltu læra íslensku? (Do you want to learn Icelandic?) is an excellent online option. Then there are the Icelandic Learning Games.

If you know a little about Icelandic, we recommend the book Árstíðir (Seasons), which includes 101 stories in simple Icelandic. Eliza Reid, the wife of Iceland’s president, originally from Canada, recommends this book!

Again, if you know a little about Icelandic, we recommend you check out Litli málfræðingurinn (The Little Linguist), a free online book on Icelandic grammar.

Explore Online Courses

The University of Iceland offers an online course called Icelandic Online. There are both free and paid options. Check out this list from the University to see where you can learn the language.

Engage with Online Communities

Join online forums like R/Iceland on Reddit. Here, you can interact with native speakers and fellow learners, ask questions, share resources, and get real-time feedback on your progress. There are also various Facebook pages you can look at.

Immerse Yourself in Iceland

If you have the opportunity, nothing beats learning a language in its native setting. Spending time in Iceland, interacting with locals, and experiencing the culture firsthand can significantly enhance your learning.

Check out W.O.M.E.N – Women Of Multicultural Ethnicity Network in Iceland. The Reykjavik City Library also hosts various multicultural events that are worth checking out.

Check what others have said.

Your friend in Reykjavik hosted an intriguing session with British expat Nicola, who shares her journey of learning Icelandic. This session offers a light-hearted approach to the language with fun facts, discussions on its origins, and more. Nicola’s love/hate relationship with Icelandic and her humorous yet despairing approach provides a relatable and entertaining perspective.

Take Language Classes in Iceland

learn Icelandic, grammar

For those living in Iceland, enrolling in Icelandic classes for foreigners is a great option. These classes cater to non-native speakers, making learning more accessible and practical.

Mímir is probably the best-known place to learn Icelandic if you live in Iceland, and they have both classes for beginners and intermediate.

The Multicultural Information Center will also be able to help you.

Remember, learning a language is a journey filled with ups and downs. But with the right tools, resources, and attitude, you’ll be speaking Icelandic like a local or at least enjoying the attempt!

Embrace the challenge, and happy learning!

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