Luggage Lockers in Reykjavik

Luggage lockers in Reykjavik are fairly easy to come by. Having access to them when travelling can be essential under certain circumstances. Travelling without the worry of dragging your suitcases is, in our opinion, important. Maybe you arrived early, can’t check in yet, perhaps you’re waiting for your camper van, or maybe it is your last day, but your flight is late in the evening, and the check out time is early.

Your hotel or guesthouse might have a luggage room you can leave your luggage in for a few hours, but if not, there are a few places in Reykjavik where you can store your luggage. Check out the locations of the luggage lockers in Reykjavik below!

Keflavík International Airport

First and foremost, if you’re only stopping for a short layover, you can store your luggage at the airport. Maybe you want to check out the Blue Lagoon or do a quick sightseeing tour.

Maximum storage: 7 days (168 hours)
X-Large Locker: 64x57x92cm (25×22,4x36in)
Price: 2990ISK (up to 24 hours)

Large Locker: 64x42x92cm (25×16,5x36in)
Price: 1490ISK (up to 24 hours)

Medium Locker: 47x37x68cm (18,5×14,5×27,5in) 
Price: 990ISK (up to 24 hours)

GPS: 63.996631664356805, -22.620593671163864

Reykjavik Domestic Airport

It can be handy to store your luggage at the domestic airport if you’re just going on a short trip somewhere else. Then you can leave most of your luggage in Reykjavik and pick it up when you come back.

Maximum storage: 30 days (720 hours)
X-Large Locker: 62x59x92cm (24x23x36in)​
Price: 1390ISK (up to 24 hours)

Large Locker: 62x39x92cm (24x15x36in)
Price: 790ISK (up to 24 hours)

Reykjavik Domestic Airport
102 Reykjavik

GPS: 64.13203065372625, -21.946949913491604

BSI Bus Terminal

The Bus Terminal is the main hub for Reykjavik Excursions. You will be able to take the Flybus from there (or if you take it from the airport and haven’t booked a drop-off, that is the terminal). All Reykjavik Excursions’ tours leave from BSI. If you have extra luggage you do not want to take with you on their tours, the terminal is a great place to use.

Maximum storage: 30 days (720 hours)
X-Large Locker: 64x57x92cm (25×22,4x36in)
Price: 2490ISK (up to 24 hours)

Large Locker: 64x42x92cm (25×16,5x36in)
Price: 1490ISK (up to 24 hours)

Medium Locker: 47x37x68cm (18,5×14,5×27,5in) 
Price: 990ISK (up to 24 hours)

Key Locker: 14x22x50cm (5,5×8,6×19,6in) 
Price: 290ISK (up to 24 hours)

BSI Bus Terminal
Vatnsmýrarvegur 10
101 Reykjavik

GPS: 64.13771504135781, -21.93438382513026

Traðarkot Car Park

For walking tours with Your Friend in Reykjavik, the closest locker is in Traðarkot Car Park. The lockers in Vesturgata Car Park, only 3-minutes away from the Your Friend in Reykjavik meeting point, is temporarily closed. The car park is in front of the National Theatre of Iceland and is only about a 5-minute walk away from Ingólfstorg, where our walking tours begin.

Maximum storage: 30 days (720 hours)
X-Large Locker: 64x57x92cm (25×22,4x36in)
Price: 1890ISK (up to 24 hours)

Large Locker: 64x42x92cm (25×16,5x36in)
Price: 990ISK (up to 24 hours)

Medium Locker: 47x37x68cm (18,5×14,5×27,5in) 
Price: 490ISK (up to 24 hours)

Traðarkot Car Park
Hverfisgata 20
101 Reykjavik

GPS: 64.1466828206918, -21.931581328836135

Laugardalslaug Swimming Pool

When you’re in Iceland, you must try a few things (even if it is snowing), and that’s to go to one of our geothermally heated swimming pools. Laugardalslaug is one of the bigger and most iconic swimming pools in Reykjavik. It is near the biggest football stadium in Iceland and other sports venues. Laugardalshöllin, a sports hall where mainly handball is played, is nearby. It’s also a place where concerts are regularly held. Laugardalsvöllur, the biggest stadium, has occasionally been used for concerts. Most recently, Ed Sheeran and Guns’n’Roses.

All those places are named after the valley they are in, Laugardalur or Pool Valley. The main shopping street in Reykjavik, Laugavegur, is also named after the valley. Laugardalur was the place women took their laundry to be washed. It was an excellent place to wash clothes because there’s quite a bit of geothermal water there.

​Maximum storage: 30 days (720 hours)
X-Large Locker: 62x59x92cm (24x23x36in)​
Price: 1390ISK (up to 24 hours)

Large Locker: 62x39x92cm (24x15x36in)
Price: 790ISK (up to 24 hours)

Laugardalslaug Swimming Pool
105 Reykjavik

GPS: 64.14642630063136, -21.87985584655465

Mjódd Bus Terminal

In Breiðholt, one of Reykjavik’s suburbs, you will find Mjóddin Bus Terminal. If you are going to take the bus to anywhere in the country, this is the place you will have to catch said bus. You can store your luggage in the terminal if you’re only going for a short time (otherwise, we presume you’d want to take it with you). There are also shops in that area, such as the Nettó supermarket.

Maximum storage: 30 days (720 hours)
Large Locker: 64x42x92cm (25×16,5x36in
Price: 1290ISK (up to 24 hours)

Medium Locker: 47x37x68cm (18,5×14,5×27,5in) 
Price: 790ISK (up to 24 hours)

Mjódd Bus Terminal (Long distance and city buses)
Þönglabakki 4
109 Reykjavik

GPS: 64.10957563450688, -21.841031813491597

Want to store your bicycle?

If you have come to Iceland to cycle, which is not uncommon, Luggage Lockers offer to store bikes. They can keep your bicycle, bike boxes, skis and other bulky items in their facility in Hamraborg, Kópavogur.

Hamraborg is easily accessed by car, bus or bike but their facility is only open by appointment. You can contact them here for further information. 

The prices for bulky items are as follows:

Base fee of 7000ISK (regardless of the number of items) + 1000ISK per day, per item.

3-day storage for one bike would be: 7000ISK+(1000×3) = 10000ISK

We hope you will find luggage lockers in Reykjavik that suits you!

2 Responses
  1. Sigurður Áki Eðvaldsson

    Góðan dag
    Ég leigði hólf á Reykjavíkurflugvelli, ég borgaði 24 tíma en vill hafa hólfið fram á föstudag, opnast það nokkuð fyrr, borga ég ekki bara það sem vantar uppá þegar ég sæki?

    1. Helga Dís Björgúlfsdóttir

      Sæll, samkvæmt FAQ hjá þeim þá opnast skápar aldrei sjálfkrafa hja þeim þannig að þú ættir að vera í góðum málum. Ef þú ert í vafa er best að hafa beint samband við þau.

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